14 Warning Signs Your Adrenals Are Burnt Out And How To Heal Them

Adrenal burnout . It means your adrenal glands are overworked, resulting in low cortisol and unbalanced hormones. If you told your doctor yo...

Doctor Explains 15 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Take A Nap Every Day

“More than 85 percent of mammalian species are polyphasic sleepers, meaning that they sleep for short periods throughout the day.” ~ Nationa...

Science Explains How Much Water Your Body Needs To Lose Weight

Water is life, and clean water is health. – Audrey Hepburn Well, Ms. Hepburn was certainly right. Water is an important element for so many...


Most of us don’t know much about rectal cancer, as it is not one of the most frequent or commonly occurring cancers. But, unfortunately, thi...

7 Signs You’re Eating Too Much Sugar

1. Very fast aging It has a negative effect on the skin, including the reduction of sugar, collagen, elastin and skin proteins. If you ea...

How to use baking soda to whiten your armpits

Baking soda can be found at low prices in stores, and its effects are miraculous. Most often it is used in the kitchen as a raising agent,...

8 Foods You Should Never Eat If You Have Joint Pain

Joint pain causes great discomfort, aches, and inflammation, and might vary from mild to severe, acute or chronic. The main causes of join...